16 de mar. de 2010

True to the core

UPDATE: I managed to keep the deadline, I sure did. But it meant going to bed at 7 a.m. and the cerimony was at 11 a.m. and we still had a one hour drive to get there. ooops!!! The following night I slept like a baby!
I had to hand sew the biding and that took me a LONG TIME. I finished doing it in my bedroom bathroom not to wake up the husband. ahahaha This is a story i'll tell my grandchildren!
It looked great after finished and everyone loved it. Too bad I didn't have time to take pictures before giving it and was too embarassed to ask for it after giving it. Yeah, I know, I'm a dork!

Claro que a minha alma de jornalista só podia dar nisto: o baby quilt é para oferecer no sábado dia 20 e eu comecei-o no sábado dia 13. ehehe
Decidi fazer um disappearing nine patch para o quilt top - está giríssimo e muito colorido, posso já dizer - e hoje vou comprar o batting. Sou capaz de também comprar um sólido para o binding para não sobrecarregar a coisa (tinha escolhido um tecido de polka-dots em azul-turquesa mas acho que não chega).
Agora o novo dilema é a parte de trás. Quero algo simples, para poupar tempo e trabalho, sinceramente, e também porque a parte da frente já tem vida suficiente. Tinha reservado um tecido mas agora não gosto de ver, acho que é demasiado escuro e sério em relação à parte da frente. Sou capaz de fazer uma mixórdia qualquer com o que ainda lá tenho (se bem que estou a ficar um bocado forreta em relação a gastar os tecidos até ao fim - vejam lá a lógica disso, afinal comprei os tecidos para os usar, não?). Por isso, se calhar hoje também compro tecido para a parte de trás. É sempre uma boa desculpa para comprar tecido, afinal não compro nada desde o Natal :O
Penso que hoje consigo fazer a parte de trás E fazer a sanduíche. Amanhã "quiltaria". Depois de amanhã faria o binding (o meu pesadelo). A sexta-feira seria para os imprevistos - porque eu sei que não vou conseguir cumprir estes prazos que estou a impor a mim própria - ou, sendo optimista, seria para descansar. Ou para ir comprar roupa e sapatos para usar no baptizado no dia seguinte. Não me serve de muito levar uma prenda toda nice mas aparecer lá de calças de ganga, não é?

My journalist soul couldn't lead me anywhere else but here: the baby quilt is due on the 20th and I started it on the 13th. ehehe
I decided to do a disappearing nine patch for the quilt top - it looks great and very colourful, if I may say so - and today I'll go buy batting. I might also buy a solid fabric for the biding because otherwise it will look too "busy" (I had thought of a blue polka-dot fabric but I don't think I have enough).
Now my dilemma is the back. I want something simple, because to be honest I can't afford to waste time with it, but also because the quilt top is so colourful. I had a fabric in mind but now I don't like it anymore, I think it's too dark and grown-up compared with the quilt top. I might mix some large pieces of fabric I still have there (even though I'm not comfortable with using all the fabrics, which is so lame given that I bought them for that reason, go figure). So today I might also buy some fabric for the quilt back. It's always a good excuse to buy fabric, after all I haven't bought any since Christmas :O
I think today I could do the back AND pin the top, the batting and the back together like a sandwich (there's probably a specific word for this in english but I can't remember now). Tomorrow I would quilt. The day after tomorrow I would do the binding (my nightmare). Friday would be room for the unpredictable - because I just now I won't be able to keep up with this self-imposed schedule - or, if I'm optimistic, I could rest. Or I could go shopping for a dress and some shoes to wear on the cerimony. There's not much sense in giving such a nice present but showing up there in jeans, is there?

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