16 de jun. de 2010


Nos últimos anos, Junho tem sido um grande mês para mim.

Em 2007 a Emma entrou nas nossas vidas.
Em 2008 estava cada vez mais envolvida no SOS Animal (e vi os Bon Jovi no Rock in Rio ehehehe).
Em 2009 recebi a minha máquina de costura.

Por isso, decidi que até ao final deste mês vou fazer um giveaway. Nada de especial... Mas fiquem atentas!

Além disso, para festejar o 1º aniversário do blog e este 1º giveaway hoje inauguro um novo cabeçalho!

In these last few years, June has been a good month for me.

In 2007 Emma came into our lives.
In 2008 I was getting more and more involved in the pet rescue organisation SOS Animal (and I went to a Bon Jovi concert eheheh).
In 2009 I got my sewing machine.

So, I've decided that by the end of this month I'll be hosting a giveaway. Nothing special.. But stay alert!

Also, to celebrate the bloganniversay and this giveaway, today I have a new header!

2 comentários:

  1. can't wait to see what you have in story for your blogiversary giveaway!!! Love those precious new fabrics in your header.

  2. thank you! the header was easier to make than I thought, actually. If i had known this I would have made it long ago (I've been meaning to, but never took the time and effort).


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