21 de jun. de 2010

Meet Eva!

O meu aniversário é só para o mês que vem, mas já tenho a prenda dos meus pais no meu pequeno atelierzinho de costura.
Apresento-vos a Eva!
É bastante mais formosa do que eu (tenho mais 10 cm em todo o lado mas não contem a ninguém) mas vai ser uma excelente aliada nos próximos tempos, quando quiser fazer umas roupinhas à maneira!
(Ia pô-la ao pé do Edward, mas depois fiquei com ciúmes e mudei-a para perto da tábua de engomar. Toma lá destas! Somos amigas, mas nem tanto!)

My birthday is not until next month, but I already have my parent's gift in my little sewing room.
Meet Eva!
She has a much elegant body than I do (I have 10 extra centimetres everywhere, but don't tell this to anyone) but she will be of great help in the upcoming future when I start making some really nice pieces of clothing!
(I was going to put her next to Edward, but then I got jealous and moved her next to the ironing table. Serves her right! We're friends, but not so much!)

3 comentários:

  1. "We're friends, but not so much!" lol! I wouldn't trust her with Edward either. Also, I'm jealous of your Edward poster and Eva too. I want to make nice clothing and stare at Edward all day, every day.

  2. HAHA, I love the picture of her posing next to Edward! I think I would trust her next to him because he's pretty devoted to Bella. Still, nice to be next to him. Have fun with your new Eva!

  3. Eva is just too elegant to be allowed near Edward... he doesn't seem the type to fall into temptation for such a mundane thing but vampire or not he's a guy and you never know...


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