6 de jul. de 2010

Comentários / Comments

UPDATE: Everything appears to be back to normal!

Deve estar a ocorrer algum erro com os comentários, porque recebo por email comentários que depois não aparecem no blog. Quem participou no giveaway que não se preocupe porque pelo sim pelo não vou contabilizar os comentários que recebi (e respondi) através do email. All righty?

There must be an error of some sort regarding the comments, because I keep getting them in my email but they don't show up in the blog. Those of you who participated on my giveaway should not worry, because just in case I'll count the comments I received (and answered) via email. All righty?

2 comentários:

  1. The same thing has been happening with my comments, and friends have been emailing me to tell me that my blog won't let them comment !

    I've noticed changes in my blogger pages, and think that the problems are because of their work. Hopefully it'll all be resolved soon. How nice of you to count the 'lost' comments too !

  2. Hi Dolly,

    have you participated in my giveaway as well? If you haven't yet, hurry, because it's almost closing!


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