9 de jul. de 2010

Moldes / Patterns

Tenho andado a pensar na questão dos moldes...
Tenho um molde para um avental, outro para uma mala e outro para uma bolsa, são todos da Amy Butler e adoro-os. Vou também receber como prenda de anos moldes para fazer vestidos, t-shirts e saias (escolhi-os, encomendei-os, é por isso que sei que vou recebê-los ehehe). Mas a maior parte das vezes faço uma peça do zero, ou seja, sem molde. Parece-me algo tão óbvio e natural, talvez porque sempre tenha visto a minha avó Aurora e a minha mãe a fazer o mesmo. (Lembrem-me de um dia contar a história da minha avó Aurora). Elas simplesmente olhariam para uma peça terminada, imaginavam como tinha sido feita - mais ou menos como a engenharia reversa -, e depois simplesmente faziam a peça. E eu faço o mesmo. Vocês não? E isso é considerado seguir um molde? Serei a única que não percebe a necessidade absolutamente imperiosa de ter um molde?

(photos from Amy Butler's website)

So, I was thinking about patterns...
I have a pattern for an apron, another for a bag and another for a purse, all from Amy Butler and I love them. I'm also going to be getting patterns for dress, top and skirts as a birthday gift (I chose them, I ordered them, that's why I know I'm getting them heeheh). But most of the time I do something out of scratch, without any pattern that is. It seems really obvious and natural to me, maybe because that's how I've always seen my gran and my mother do it. (Remind me of telling the story of my grandma Aurora one of these days). They would just look at something already made and imagine how it had been made - pretty much like reverse engineering -, then they would just make it. And I do it like that too. Don't you? And could that fit into the pattern category? Am I the only one who doesn't think a pattern is an absolute necessity?

3 comentários:

  1. I need to have patterns for clothing because I don't make many clothes, but I don't need them anymore for bags, since I make so many. Sometimes they are good to have for reference, especially for someone just starting out. I wish I could do that with clothing!

  2. I love the Amy Butler patterns too! Sometimes I use a pattern and sometimes I make my own...

  3. I didn't have a pattern for the quilts I made for my daughter and for my son... I just made a block and figured out the size from there (which is how my son's quilt got SO big, and why it isn't quilted yet!)

    But I need a pattern to sew clothes, and even then I am not sure how good they will come out!

    Can't wait to see what you create :)



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