31 de jul. de 2009

Próximas leituras (or so I hope...) / Next readings (or so I hope...)

O novo livro da Amanda Blake Soule: Handmade Home.

Um da Anna Maria Horner que, apesar de só ter 24 projectos, tem imensas sugestões para além dos próprios projectos: Seams to Me - 24 New Reasons to Love Sewing.

E ainda vou ficar à espera de um livro da Amy Butler que realmente valha a pena, porque ela é, até agora, a minha fabrics designer preferida!!!

*** Mind the Translation ***

The new Amanda Blake Soule book: Handmade Home.

One by Anna Maria Horner which, despite having only 24 projects, has lots of tips beyond the projects itselves: Seams to Me - 24 New Reasons to Love Sewing.

And I'll be waiting for a book by Amy Butler that will really be worth it because she is, so far, my favourite fabrics designer!!!

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